Sunday, March 9, 2008

I HATE "Springing Foward"

I feel like i am being pushed foward and it is not pleasant. I hate the thought of losing an hour. It might be a better idea to fall back twice a year and then we will get to keep our extra hour, plus get another. Just a thought.


Jeanne said...

Maggie, you're hilarious! Wonder how long it would take before we'd start noticing that we were looking younger each year instead of older? I kinda like that idea!

Melanie said...

Great idea :) I didn't know you loved mint chocolate chip ice cream! That's mine and Maddy's favorite, too! None of the boys like it. We'll have to have an ice cream night sometime.

Melanie said...

Not that you've been busy AT ALL lately, but I think it's time to post! Do you have some pictures of all your recent "events"?? I'd love to see some!! You know, in your spare time...